Ballantines_Scale_example.doc |
1.55 MB |
An illustrated example drawn by Bill showing the importance of presenting information at different mapping scales |
DOC_2005_Mimiwhangata__Boundary_Report.pdf |
2.92 MB |
Detailed report evaluating the proposed boundaries of the Mimiwhangata marine proposal in 2005, good practical example |
Kaiora_Proposal_Map.doc |
174 KB |
The proposal map of Te Tapuwae O Rongokako marine reserve showing options that were originally put to the community |
Kerr_2014-Waewaetorea-Maunganui-Boundaries-Reviewed.pdf |
3.09 MB |
A report for the BOI Fish Forever group evaluation the practical and ecological values of the boundaries chosen for their proposed marine reserves |
Kerr_2017_MPA_Network_Design_Guidelines_vers_2.pdf |
363.13 KB |
In this advice paper international best practice is summarised and compared to our MPA policy. Principles of design are re-visited and a list of practical and ecological considerations is provided. |
Kerr__Grace_2015_Habitats_of_proposed_Waewaetorea_marine_reserve.pdf |
1.53 MB |
A fine scale habitat map of the proposal for a marine reserves in the eastern Bay of Islands, includes analysis of kina barren areas and discussion of this threat to the local ecology |
Leathwick_2006_Use_of_Software_MPA_Design.pdf |
2.41 MB |
An example of the use of decision support software and modeling to assist the design of offshore marine reserves taking into consideration impacts on fishing - excellent example |
Leathwick_et_al_2008_novel_methods_design_and_evaluation_of_offshore_MPAs.pdf |
560.08 KB |
In this report the effectiveness and utility of decision support software in marine protected area planning is illustrated with and offshore large scale analysis |
Thomas_Shears_2013_FB_MPA_network_design.pdf |
2.11 MB |
A NZ based review of design considerations for marine reserves and networks of marine reserves |
Tiritiri_Matangi_Proposed_Boundaries.doc |
621.5 KB |
Proposal maps for Tiritiri Matangi discussion document, good example of consideration of different options |
Grace_2015_SeaSketch_Network_Proposal_Hauraki_Gulf.pdf |
5.91 MB |
A submission prepared by Dr Roger Grace for the Hauraki Gulf Spatial Plan. Roger puts forward a number of proposed areas for full protection for the process to consider. Also good example of use of Seasketch |
DOC_2011_Gap_Analysis_marine-protected-areas.pdf |
1.02 MB |
A GIS analysis based on available marine habitat information layers and the habitat representation criteria laid down in the Marine Protected Areas Policy and Implementation Guideline. This work was completed by Dr Dan Breen for the DOC. |
Jackson_2014_Marxan_Use_Hauraki_Gulf_priortisation.pdf |
3.68 MB |
A research paper completed by and Auckland University student which examines the design of a network of marine reserves for the Hauraki Gulf utilising the Marxan GIS based modeling software. Very useful demonstrations of the utility of this tool. |
Breen-et-al-2009_RAP_Network_design.pdf |
404.67 KB |
Author Dan Breen did his PhD in the use of decision support software in marine protection planning this is a follow up paper done with senior Australian colleagues providing a background on this important field of work and tools |
CBD_Tech_Bull_No_13.pdf |
462.88 KB |
The fundamental statement of prinicples and goals for designing and marine reserves and networks of marine reserves produced by an IUCN technical committee, NZ scientists played a major role in this publication |
Davis_2006_MR_Design_Channel_Is.pdf |
139.21 KB |
An example from California of a design of a network of marine reserves around offshore islands |
Edgar_et_al__2014_-_Marine_Design_requirements.pdf |
4.37 MB |
An important design paper by a leading Australian marine scientist, summarises learning from past success and failures |
Gaines_2003_Oversights_in_MR_Design.pdf |
308.33 KB |
A broad global synthesis of what is working what is not with recommendations going forward |
Gell_2003_MR_Boundary_Benefits.pdf |
178.49 KB |
One of the best review papers we have that looks at the what happens ecologically at marine reserve boundaries and makes recommendations for design |
Gladstone_2006_Requiements_for_MPAs.pdf |
237.03 KB |
Review paper based on global experience evaluating design of marine reserve networks |
PISCO_2002_Science_of_Marine_Reserves.pdf |
2.78 MB |
Global view of marine reserves, states need and benefits in a simple but effective manner |
Palumbi_2003_Pop_Genetics__MR_Design.pdf |
202.61 KB |
Fascinating background paper which introduces the threat of genetic degradation as a result of continued bulk fishing and how this relates to design considerations and the need for a network of marine reserves |
Roberts_2003_Eco_Criteria_for_MR_Desing.pdf |
178.92 KB |
An analysis of what is working in marine protected area planning and what is needed for the future, examines the importance of setting goals |
Shanks_2003_Larval_Dispersal__MR_design.pdf |
149.28 KB |
A technical paper drawn from work done in the Pacific Northwest which explores the importance of larval dispersal in relation to design of marine reserve networks |
Green_et_al_2008_Designing_MPA_Networks_A_Practitioner_Guide.pdf |
4.63 MB |
A comprehensive international study of the design process and requirements for creating networks of marine protected areas. |
Leslie_2003_Phd_Thesis_MR_Design.pdf |
1.63 MB |
A comprehensive technical report which looks at the development and use of the GIS based Marxan decision support modeling tool for the design of marine protected areas. Several significant international case studies are used to discuss the tools capabilities. |