International Network Examples


bigocean All Members 14sites crop FINAL MAY2014 1024x598Marine Protection Networks outlined in redHow much of our global ocean is protected? The United Nations target for 2020 is ten percent. Currently just three percent of New Zealands ocean waters are in marine protected areas. Another one percent is proposed. More than ninety percent of the world's oceans have no form of protection. Of even more concern is that much of what is described as MPA's are various management arrangements, which do not necessarily deliver biodiversity protection. Only one percent of the ocean is strongly protected in no-take marine reserves.

Go to the MPA Atlas web site to dive into the details of world's Marine Protected Areas. See our case study on Marae Moana and MPA's in the Cook Islands.

The current network of marine protected areas globally 



Take a video tour of Marine Protected Areas Networks Around the World with National Geographic

Australia’s Marine Protected Area Network

Australia has created the world’s largest network of Marine Protected Areas. In 2012, Australia established a National Representative Network of Marine Protected Areas, to provide a safe-haven for marine life in the seas surrounding the continent. The video clip below tells an impressive story of Australia's achievements in marine conservation. 

More Information from around the world on MPA Networks

Listen to a Hawaiian elder talking about marine protection progress in Hawaii.

The California Marine Protected Areas Network (California)

California's coast and ocean are among our most treasured resources. The productivity, wildness, and beauty found here is central to California's identity, heritage, and economy. The need to safeguard the long-term health of California's marine life was recognized by the California Legislature in 1999 with the passage of the Marine Life Protection Act. This Act aims to protect California’s marine natural heritage through establishing a statewide network of marine protected areas (MPAs) designed, created, and managed using sound science and stakeholder input.

The Channel Islands Marine Protection Network 

 Marine Protected Areas in the United Kingdom

uk mapThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are making gains in nature conservation in the sea. With dozens of different types of conservation designations, the UK works hard to preserve and enhance species and habitats of local, national, and international importance. The Government committed to the establishing a sound network of MPAs. The network include six different types of designation, although other designations currently exist which affect this new network. Current designations include:

European Marine Sites: Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs)*;
Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs)
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)/Areas of Special Scientific Interest (ASSIs);
Marine Components of Ramsar sites;
Marine Nature Reserves (MNRs)

Total marine estate:

6,783,088.1 km²
(Exclusive Economic Zone including territories)

25.76% in 330 MPAs
9.73% in No-Take Reserves

Source MPA Atlas United Kingdom

Other Links 

The Marine Reserve Coalition

WWF information page on global MPA networks and case studies. See the video clip below explore how local fisherman are beginning to appreciate marine reserves. 


 International MPA Resources

Also please see our Library archives on publications on Marine Reserve Design which also cover topics of design of networks of marine reserves.


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An Adobe Acrobat file Breen-et-al-2009_RAP_Network_designDownload Preceding File Preview the file 404.67 KB 2017-07-11 18:10:36
An Adobe Acrobat file CBD_Tech_Bull_No_13Download Preceding File Preview the file 462.88 KB 2017-07-11 18:10:38
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An Adobe Acrobat file Edgar_et_al__2014_-_Marine_Design_requirementsDownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.37 MB 2017-07-11 18:10:39
An Adobe Acrobat file Gaines_2003_Oversights_in_MR_DesignDownload Preceding File Preview the file 308.33 KB 2017-07-11 18:10:38
An Adobe Acrobat file Gell_2003_MR_Boundary_BenefitsDownload Preceding File Preview the file 178.49 KB 2017-07-11 18:10:38
An Adobe Acrobat file Gladstone_2006_Requiements_for_MPAsDownload Preceding File Preview the file 237.03 KB 2017-07-11 18:10:37
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An Adobe Acrobat file Roberts_2003_Eco_Criteria_Site_Selection_of_MRsDownload Preceding File Preview the file 165.44 KB 2017-07-11 18:10:37
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